Today I set out on a ride on my new Kenda tire on my all around bike. This tire was added to the bike a week ago and had not seen any mileage till today. I felt like taking a little spin over to my old stomping grounds; kids kingdom. When I showed up I realized that there was a great bicycling event called cyclocross or something. I had heard of this from a good friend Noel who has been dominating the elite class. While I was riding around on a hot lap I found Noel and to all of our surprise he was not racing. So to punish him Brooke tied his bike to a tree with extra race banner. I lined up at the starting gate, and since I had gate pick I decided to pick the outside lane. Once the gate dropped we set off. I got the whole shot and lead the first lap with 2nd and 3rd place right on my heals with no-one else in sight. As soon as we came to the first hill I totally hit a wall and was immediately passed. I then found my groove and ended up finishing seventh overall. When am I going to learn that you need to ride and work out on a regular basis to be competitive? One of these days I guess.
1 day ago
Or you can do what I did. Suffer and sacrifice for weeks and months prior to the season opener and then, line up to race in the best shape of your life only to snap your hamstring in half on the final lap of the little-girl, "D" class race.