Thursday, March 25, 2010

Demo has begun!

Today I took the final measurements and made sure I had all the vital things written on paper. I then took out the hammer and started pounding holes in the wall to tear down the spaghetti board and plaster walls. One bucket at a time I hauled out the debris. I shut the doors to the three bedrooms and the hall closet; but the rest of the house was left open. I had the door shut while making a mess in the bathroom, but when transporting the debris outside I had no choice but to open the door. Unless I had a full ET Haz-Mat corridor from the bathroom to the trailer there is just no way to easily prohibit the dust to accumulate on the rest of the house. Oh well, when demo is done the house will get a good cleaning. More demo tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't ever let Eve know that any of this kind of thing is possible!
