Friday, April 9, 2010

Plumb but not level.

Today with the help of my dad and father-in-law, we got a lot accomplished. I started out the morning by digging in the alley one foot to cut the old pipe off at a round point. Now when I say round, I actually mean oval. Luckily the new 4” pvc is slightly smaller than the old pipe and the sewage should flow by nicely. The cutting of the pipe began. I was the “expert” so I was of course the leveler, and used my helpers as “expert laborers.” We put piles of sand every so often, leveled the pipe to ¼” per 1’ fall, and then filled in the sand to the level in the picture. Then I took one last level check; then filled in the sand to ~1” above the 4” pipe. Then we ran into our first problem of the day. The first fitting you see in the picture is called a 4” Combo. I put it in just like the one 60’ down the line. The one down the line is ~10” below grade and the closest one is ~ 6”. Now my dad said we should have put it in at a 45 deg. angle. So I cut it off and have a 4”x2” combo to go in its place. This fitting is only here for if we ever put a sink outdoors to tie into it. All and all a good productive day! The toilet will be here before we know it.

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