Sunday, May 23, 2010


Today went great and not so great all in one sitting. I finished wiring the lights; but had to make two trips to Osh to get a metal box to junction the light wires in the attic. Next came the big disaster. Unless you have been over here, you would not know that my toilet drain was crooked. Well this was due to me making some of my cuts just slightly too long. So today I cut the whole works out from under the bathroom and took it out to the garage and chiseled the fittings apart. When I got under the house I had one more to do. I got a little over zealous and broke the fitting. And of course it is Sunday and not one supply house is open. So next Friday when I am home, I get to go to the electrical and plumbing supply houses to get the rest of my parts. Then I cleaned up the bathroom and went to take a picture for you to all see; and I did a little too much zooming and the battery died. So now I am done with this day, see you in a few.

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