Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jim the plumber.

When you think of a plumber, 3 things come to mind: gross smells, fresh water, and crack. But did you know you should also think of littlejim? Well I too was a plumber and am on call to practice just like a doctor does. Tomorrow I will be doing one of my favorite things, snaking drains. A neighbor of mine has drain pipes in her house that are clogged just like in the photo. Not good at all! But worse off than that is there is a slight nuisance clog in her main only accessible via pulling the toilet.
So tomorrow I will be pulling the toilet and reaching down there and unclogging what ever is in the way. Ha, if only it were that easy! A snake will be in order and hopefully it resolves the problem till this summer when I can get under the house and replace the clogged pipes leading up to this and install a two way clean out. And you said plumbers are expensive! Well true, but do you want to handle other peoples waste? I didn't think so. So next time you turn on that water or use the john, think of littlejim.

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