Saturday, July 3, 2010

Are we really going green

In today’s world we are being bombarded with the term “green”. It is not just a color anymore. Today “green” is a term used for anything and everything that is supposed to conserve, save, or just simply make our lives less damaging. Yesterday during lunch I noticed that we had a Sun Chips bag that is biodegradable. I had seen the commercial and I was under the impression that the bag would biodegrade in 14 weeks. As I found out via the website; this is possible by the bag being in a compost pile were internal temperatures maintaining 130F for those 14 weeks. They state that this is real world testing; I disagree.
So today I placed my empty Sun Chips bag safely in my back yard nestled in some wild grass. I am taking you on a journey of the real life of a Sun Chips Biodegradable bag when tossed to the roadside. This bag will be monitored weekly to maintain its position and optimal light exposure. Photos and all pertinent information about the process will be posted here for your knowledge and enjoyment. Generation “green” or “red”; time will only tell.

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